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Did you know that?


The Rector at Université du Québec à Montréal was democratically appointed by the entire University Community which represents more than 50,000 students, teachers and staff. The vote was carried out using their Omnivox eVoting service.


After being told by a student that “Omnivox Rocks!”, the Registrar at John Abbott College decided to have 10,000 pens with the words “Omnivox Rocks!” printed on them and distributed to the College’s students and faculty.


Depending on the length and stride of the legs, the time to walk from the exit of the nearest metro station to the entrance of the Skytech building varies between 24 and 37 seconds.


During the summer, we often have lunch under a tree by the side of the water. The big Park that faces our building has more than 250 trees (yes, we are a little crazy for having counted them).


Each semester, hundreds of students at Vanier College make use of the Omnivox Carpooling module. Based on the student’s geographic location and their course schedule, students are matched with their best carpooling partners. Less traffic on the roads and less pollution in the atmosphere!

Come share the fun with us!

Skytech Communications is a friendly work environment, favourable to innovation and surpassing oneself. It’s a team of extraordinarily talented and welcoming individuals.

We take pleasure in inventing new ways to make life in Education easier. Our actions are reflected in the daily lives of millions of individuals.

We love making our clients happy. That is why we are so totally fulfilled. Come share our happiness.

Students love Omnivox Mobile !

Student using Omnivox mobile

Available from the Apple App Store for the past few months, Omnivox Mobile is a huge hit with students. The application has already been downloaded by hundreds of thousands of users, placing it in the Top 10 of most downloaded applications in Education. Thousands of students have taken the time to review Omnivox Mobile and it is getting rave reviews, averaging a 5-star rating on the App Store!

Android users: it is your turn to experience Omnivox Mobile which is now available from the Google Play Store.

Our team would like to thank the users for their overwhelming response and it continues to work at improving the App for all students. A version intended for Faculty will also be made available in the months to come.


Teaching Evaluation: UdeM chooses Omnivox and Clara

University of Montreal

With more than 58,000 regular students and 14,000 students at the graduate level, the Université de Montréal (UdeM) is the 2nd largest university in Canada. Teaching evaluation, which consists in having each student evaluate courses, professors and lecturers as well as each program of study, is therefore a huge undertaking that must be repeated each semester.

In order to facilitate the evaluation of teaching and to aid with gathering and interpret the results, UdeM chose Omnivox accompanied by the Clara information system. Not only is the University making the lives of their students and their staff easier throughout this operation, it is also contributing to reducing its carbon footprint with the implementation of a solution that is completely green.


The smallest college that has adopted Clara


The National Circus School trains the world’s best in terms of circus arts. Admission to the school is not an easy feat, while the graduates of the school move on to brilliant futures. Graduates can be found at the Cirque du Soleil, the Cirque Éloize and in other circuses on the national and international scene.

Even though this school has about 100 students, the National Circus School still has the same obligations as any other larger post-secondary establishment.

When the time came to choose the best tool to simplify their pedagogical management, the National Circus School did not hesitate for one second and made Clara it's new Superstar to manage its student files, schedules, programs and courses offered.