
MIO: Léa’s right-hand

MIO is the internal messaging system in Omnivox.

MIO is also Léa’s right-hand, as they are completely integrated.

With MIO, teachers can communicate hassle-free with their students, whether it is with an individual, with a group of students or with the entire class.

With MIO:

  • No email address to remember – Selecting a recipient is as easy as selecting a student from the class list
  • Upon receipt of a MIO, the teacher immediately sees the identity of the student and of the class to which they belong
  • Whether a MIO is sent to 1 person or to the entire class, the teacher knows at all times who has read it and who still needs to
  • MIO is a private messaging system = no messages from external companies or individuals = no spam in your inbox

LÉA makes the lives of teachers better

Léa is the Teacher-Student communication environment integrated into Omnivox that allows each teacher to easily diffuse information to their students, and to interact with their classes and with their students.

Léa integrates simple and effective class management and communication tools for teachers and students, such as:

  • Distribution of the Course outline
  • Inclusion of the Booklist that indicates the textbooks students must purchase
  • Distribution of Documents and files for each class, such as class and lecture notes
  • Diffusion of Communiqués to their classes
  • Sharing of the Calendar of events, including important dates, submission of assignments, exam dates, etc.
  • Searching for Common free periods for the students in the same class
  • Posting of the teacher’s Availability for meeting with students
  • Discussion forums which allow for the exchanging of knowledge and questions
  • Recording and diffusion of information concerning students’ absences and late arrivals
  • Assignments
    • Delivery of Assignment statements to the classes
    • Electronic submission of Assignments from students to their teacher
    • Electronic submission of Corrected Assignments from students to their teacher
  • Recording and availability of Evaluation grades for students
  • Sharing of Recommended web sites for the course by the teacher